Crystal Godfrey is an enthusiastic young attorney eager to make her mark in the legal profession. A graduate from the University of San Francisco School of Law, Ms. Godfrey is passionate about helping clients navigate through complexities of legal system. While in law school, she was elected to serve as the Vice President for Part‐Time Students for the Student Body Association. Ms. Godfrey also worked as a student clinician for the Internet & Intellectual Property Justice Clinic.

Ms. Godfrey graduated from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, GA, cum laude, with a BS in Political Science with a concentration in Urban Leadership. Crystal’s interests include: wine tasting, backpacking through foreign countries, yoga, and cage shark diving.

B.A, Oglethorpe University Cum Laude


  • Citation and Precedent: A Practitioner’s Guide to Citation and Precedent Value of Opinions Published in AMC under the Ninth, Fifth, Eleventh, and Second Circuit’s Rules, 199 U.S.F. MLJ 199 (2003)